Blog Articles

Does your content convert?

11 Jul, 2017

Top tips to optimise your content.

In 2017 content marketing has become a mainstay in both Business to Business and Business to Consumer markets, with investment in most marketing and PR budgets flowing this way. However, the big question when thinking about content marketing and your strategy is, does my content convert?


Whether your pushing for conversions for sales, awareness or data it’s equally important that your content efforts are reaping the reward of conversions. So, with this in mind, take a look at a few of our tips to help your content bring in the desired results.


Now, let’s start with the obvious one. You wouldn’t need to be in an industry that involves copywriting for a day before someone tells you to “know your audience”. Now this cliché might be rather annoying but it is however quite true. Your content needs to focus on desirable and influential topics for your audience.

Make sure you supply some insight or information that your targeted audience would relate to and your half way there. Blasting out general information to an untargeted audience will leave you chasing shadows for a majority of your strategy. After all, creating good content to your audience can increase loyalty and engagement so ensuring that this information is relevant can go a long way to maximising growth in this area.


Never has the art of a good headline been more prevalent, with the digital and social sphere moving further towards image based content the need to stand out hasn’t been greater. Whether we’re talking about email subjects, blog post headers or even tweets, the need for a punchy, descriptive and engaging headline is huge.

Optimising your headline could be key to converting your audience and getting your content in front of the right people. Recently Okdork conducted a study, analysing nearly 1 million headlines on content that has been shared. The results are incredibly interesting and certainly something to bear in mind on your next batch of content creation. One key takeaway from this study was the success of using emotive language in headlines. With headlines featuring emotional language generating higher shares and engagement. If you’re looking into improving your content then make sure you check out tools such as the Coschedule Headline Analyzer, which helps score your headlines on all sorts of different factors. It’s worth taking a look into.

Utilising CTA’s

If you’ve followed the above points well, you’ll have your audience reading your content, which is ideal, however the next step comes with the conversion. Your Call To Action (CTA) is incredibly important and where you ease your readers or audience to take a certain action. It’s important when creating your CTA’s that you keep them short and to the point, allowing it to be straightforward for the audience to follow the path that you’re paving for them. Keeping your CTA text short will help to tell your audience clearly and firmly what they need to do in order for you to gain your conversions. A few classic examples of this might be “Download your free copy” or “Start free train”. So, no matter what manner of conversions you’re looking to achieve, slick and well-placed CTA’s can be pivotal in gaining that traction you need.

A/B Test

Our final tip on optimising your content for conversions is simple and straightforward, test your content. Many marketing platforms for email and social now feature the ability to A/B test, so be sure to make the most of these features. By issuing your content with slight variations to different sections of your audience you can monitor and report what is and isn’t working for your content. It might seem obvious; however, it’s often overlooked and if you don’t analyse, you can’t improve.

Follow these few key steps next time you look at your content creation process and make sure you fine tune your strategy to increase conversions. Let us know how you get on, we’d love to hear!

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